• Dreamweaver

    I have ideas

    About the chapters in my book

    And sometimes I make plans

    But the best storyteller I know

    The skilled dream weaver

    Artist of life

    Veil of secrets

    Is the universe

    The ultimate creator

    And destroyer

    That force you feel mixing in the air

    Wondering which way

    The magic will blow

  • Completion

    She waits for it

    Like a child in a deep sleep

    Aware that morning will come

    Tucked quietly in the darkness


    Certain of the sun

  • Premonition

    As I wrote his name, the pen shook. Like the words knew they weren’t true before they were splotched onto the paper. I was so good at writing how I felt. Writing about pain. But when I tried to write something nice about our future, the pen laughed.

  • A Sequel

    Falling in love again makes me wonder what I even felt before. I know that I was there, but I feel as if my soul had walked off. I look back and it’s just smoke. I lost track of my heart. And just as it found its way back to me, appeared a gift. Arriving much faster than I was ready for. Wide enough to block the road. Unavoidable and sparkling. My chest is overflowing like a pool with the hose running all day. Water-filled spaces that were once empty cracks. My body has been wiped clean. A fresh pulse. A step forward on my path. I’ve been opened up like a book. And not a sentence skipped.

  • Heartfruit

    There is something special about cutting open a passion fruit with a sharp knife. A sour and crunchy slurp that nourishes the cells behind my forehead. Sometimes when I’m thirsty I choose fruit instead of water. Maybe I am addicted to the sweetness just as much as the power behind its tart. A small crack on my dry lips lets in a sting. But I allow it because everything heals eventually. And I won’t stop loving these fruits even when I know it comes with a little pain.

  • Rebirth

    Honey got in through the trap door again. It was so sticky this time that nothing could be let in or out. It was either winter or a wild fire. Nothing was breathing. Just ash floating in the sky like snow. Like bits of broken butterfly wings.

    So nature made it rain. Cleared the air. Watered the foundations. And surprisingly enough, there were seeds burrowed in the dirt. Forgotten little things waiting to burst through. In no time wild flowers and ferns bubbled up. And the sun and stars breathed out in relief.

  • Red Wine

    I’ve never been so happy

    To take me out on a date

    People-watch over the balcony

    A man in the corner

    Plays the saxophone

    I’ve fallen in sweetness

    With the thought

    That I’m all I need

  • Angry

    My chest is bursting at the seams and I will not run away. I will not explode. I will sit in the middle of the floor and ride out this fever.

  • Out Of Love

    You’re coming into the shallow end of my heart

    The warmth of your body still lingers at the edges

    But we are both turning cold

    And we know it