This graphic art piece is intended to provide symbolism for the naturopathic principle: tolle causam. The meaning behind this piece is to shed light on how our health issues can be the lemons (symptoms) to create lemonade (living to our fullest health and wellness potential). Health issues can be uncomfortable, invoke fear, pain, and inhibit us from living life the way we want to in certain respects. The symptoms are the lemons: bitter. When we have symptoms, we seek treatment, and in turn this can potentially lead us to revitalize our existence, establish healthy routines and habits, prevent other more serious diseases and feel well from the inside out. The sunset in the background represents the many dimensions and beauty of a patient. The mountain represents the obstacles and challenges in achieving health. The lemon juice squeezed onto the mountain represents the nourishment needed to overcome those health challenges.
Browsing category: Blog
Chaotic Paths
Chaos colors my road map
Some epiphanies are being saved for later
Many experiences I cherish
Many make me shudder
I wouldn’t wish these feelings on anyone else
But I also want to keep them all to myself
When you leave, it means you’re going somewhere important
When you get left, it means the seasons have changed
Perspective keeps your head above water when the world flips over onto the wrong side
It happens to all of us
Just don’t hold your breath
The wounds are still rivers
The wolves consumed the moon
The wisdom has not bubbled up
The window is still fogged
The well is covered in slugs
The walls are hemorrhaging
My hands are in the air
The isn’t the dream I dreamed of
Empty Suitcase
I left a space
Dripping in lace
Red straps
I wanted a kiss
But I got slapped
I was hoping to get replaced
With regret
Not with an empty set
Of ghost chasing
In my chest
I didn’t think it was a race
But for the first time I tasted my strength
This pain has length
It’s long and large
My empty suitcase
I locked myself in a hotel room
My heart has imprints of the cage
I slipped and slung in the slum
While my grief recalled rage
A forest set on fire
It won’t rain for 9 more winters
Paint to a painter
It won’t dry for 9 more summers
The account is in my name
I should have never acted like a scavenger
And started the game
I was just a passenger
I held the flag
Then I became the rag
Sometimes the road just ends. The comfort becomes poison. The structure becomes rotten. I started to think that love isn’t enough. Love is plenty enough, it’s just that that wasn’t love.